Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Items of Mild Interest

1. You will likely be disappointed when you see the "Laker Girls" perform anywhere other than an NBA game.

2. There is something called a "Lunchable" in my refrigerator. This may be a sign of the apocalypse.

3. When the highlight of your work day is waiting for the construction crew across the street to blow stuff up at 4:00 every day, it may be time to work on your resume.

4. Low-fat Pop Tarts are just as satisfying as the real thing.

5. When you're taking someone on their first flight, ask her to remove her rings before she holds your hand.

6. I have been drunk and hungry enough to eat at White Castle, and to eat at Skyline, but never in the same night. A friend of mine did this Saturday night; I am both impressed and mortified. At least he dropped me off before the Skyline visit.

7. I haven't been able to watch an entire NBA game in years, but can't stop reading about Thursday's draft.

8. I pay way too much for cable TV.

9. It has been far too long since I have seen Twinkie sing karaoke.

10. I don't think it's fair that one of the alcoholism questions is "Do you drink alone?" I live alone; I drink. The last time I invited a stranger in for a Scotch I woke up handcuffed to my dresser and wearing mascara. Is that better, Dr. Smarty Pants??

11. Parts of that last story aren't true. I don't drink Scotch.

12. Sometimes nothing hits the spot like a thing of sushi.

13. It is nice to be wanted.


Anonymous said...

Lunchables are prepared meals marketed towards children and usually include crackers, small slices of meat, and an equal number of slices of cheese. YUMMERS!! Now, what's in Dunnski's fridge is a Cheese Pizza Lunchable, that's a whole nother story!

Oh yeah, sorry about your hand! And you're right, a thing of sushi can really hit the spot. But Low-Fat pop-tarts? YUCK! ;-)

XOXO :-*

David said...

I found this list mildly interesting.

Voix said...

Low fat anything is just completely wrong, Dunnski. Just get that idea of low fat totally out of your head before I come down there and start shoveling Crisco down your gullet.

And NO, I won't bring my mascara!

Anonymous said...

mmmmm....A thing of Sushi sounds really good today.