First off, I have no idea what that headline means. Catchy though.
So I came across this website the other day which you may already be familiar with: Postcrossing. It's a pretty cool idea. You register on the site, then get an address of another user from somewhere around the world. (Currently there are over 34,000 users from 158 countries participating.) You send that person a postcard, and when they receive it, you get another card from some OTHER random person somewhere on Earff. Send a card, get a card. Get it?
So today I sent my first 2 - to Emma in Finland and Helen in Germany. (You can learn all about Helen, and brush up on your German, here). So some day, when I'm not expecting it, I'll get a postcard from some stranger in Brazil or Indiana or some other exotic locale. It will be nice to get mail that's not a bill or a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon.
I'll be sure to report on any interesting correspondence. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Haikus for Youse
Anyone can write
Haikus. Just count syllables
Five, seven and five
My friend The Daver
Always says he'll visit me
But he never does
Best time of year is fall
Except for all the damn leaves
Rake, bend, bag. Repeat.
I still get angry
About how she treated me
Love is blind, stupid
Sox win the pennant!
Now on to World Series
Rockies are red hot
How to judge people
For being too judgmental
Is quite the puzzler
A site you should try
Is Radio Paradise
Good tunes for no bucks
Haikus. Just count syllables
Five, seven and five
My friend The Daver
Always says he'll visit me
But he never does
Best time of year is fall
Except for all the damn leaves
Rake, bend, bag. Repeat.
I still get angry
About how she treated me
Love is blind, stupid
Sox win the pennant!
Now on to World Series
Rockies are red hot
How to judge people
For being too judgmental
Is quite the puzzler
A site you should try
Is Radio Paradise
Good tunes for no bucks
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Bullet the Blue Sky
- The concert mentioned below was excellent...I would have been pleased even if I actually had to pay for tickets. Plus, C and I were easily one of the 64 best looking couples there. (An inconveniently placed A/C vent necessitated the covering up of C's bare shoulders, keeping us from a certain top 35 finish. Yes, her shoulders are worth 30 places.) Per Michele's directions there will be no You Tube clips of the concert or her shoulders.
- It's only two outs into Game 7 of the ALCS and I'm already sick of Tim McCarver. Is this game on radio? Maybe I'll go sit in the garage and listen in my car. Dice K looks good through 3 batters, at least.
- I just returned from my first vacation with kids since, well, I was one. I'm not sure how I feel about being told I look good behind the wheel of a minivan.

- In retrospect, mad props to my folks for driving the three Dunn boys to Colorado from Iowa in a station wagon many times. Yikes. Funny how we didn't need seat belts back I'll barely pull out of the parking spot without hearing a click from the back.
- And how oh how did we travel without some or all of the following: iPods, portable DVD players, Nintendo DS's, laptops, cell phones and Blackberries. Oh, and satellite radio and a GPS navigator. We were four blue shirts and a dozen unmanned cash registers away from being a Best Buy.
- Vacation was great - went to Destin for 4 nights. Stopped in Atlanta on the way down to see my brother and SIL - they were kind enough to score us tickets to Six Flags over Georgia.The Superman ride, my friends, kicks considerable booty. Plus...they had zombies!
- Then it was off to Destin, which was great, other than some rain and the dreaded Red Tide. Never heard of it? Me neither. They don't exactly publicize it on the Chamber of Commerce website. Didn't ruin our trip by any means, but we did spend a little less time on the beach than we would have liked. Oh well. Did lots of quality shopping instead.
- On the way back we spent the night in Decatur. No, not the good one. Decatur, Alabama. The hotel was, shall we say, less than 4 stars, but apparently Decatur on an October Thursday is a tough get. We stayed here so that we could go to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center the next morning. No time for Space Camp,
but it was pretty cool. Good IMAX movie, too.
- By the way, would you look at that cast? Mrs. Steven Spielberg! Mrs. John Travolta! The gay guy from Revenge of the Nerds! Impressive.
- After tomorrow night I will be 3-4 and tied for first in my fantasy football division. We're the NL Central of FFB. Someone's gotta win this thing!
- I'm becoming a Crock Pot believer. Throw some stuff in a pot and walk away for a few hours. Plus, it makes the house smell less like dog, which is nice.
- Whole wheat hot dog buns are an abomination. Don't do it. Treat your wieners with the respect they deserve.
- That is all. Please leave all comments and suggestions with your immediate supervisor.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Yay me!
Late last night, drifting off to the smell of a Crockpot full of beer-braised chicken goodness, I heard Mr. DJ announce he had free concert tickets for caller #7. I hustled to the phone and two dials later I was the lucky caller, continuing my streak of winning something from WFPK about every 3-11 months.
Free tickets to Nickel Creek in 2.5 weeks!
Free tickets to Nickel Creek in 2.5 weeks!
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