Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hot Licks

Found this cool post of the 20 Greatest Guitar Solos Ever, With Videos. It's actually a subset of a larger list of the 100 Greatest Guitar Solos, according to Guitar World. Both entertaining reads.

Here's #17, Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson, who if I'm not mistaken Dave and I saw in Cedar Rapids many moons ago. A little chill for your Wednesday morning. And where can I find that awesome jacket?


David said...

That guy plays like me, only good.

Yeah, didn't he open for BB King that one time? Was that the time I had to loan you money before the show so you could get some glasses or the time the cops came and cuffed you and took you away for committing unspeakable parking violations and then I had to bail you out of jail for $65?

Green-Eyed Girl said...

You're welcome, Daver.

All I want to know is whether we ended up on top in euchre.

Dunnski Love said...

Actually it was right after that time you let me copy your Finance homework.

David said...

Well, I'd still be bitter for having to help you out so much if you hadn't brought me back all those delicious Lion Bars from when you went to Europe for that class.

Voix said...

David hasn't demonstrated evidence of guitar playing in the past several months. I wish someone would talk to him.

Dunnski Love said...

I'm hoping he brings it to Phoenix. How will the ladies at the Days Inn pool resist three bitter, pasty, middle-aged white guys with a guitar and a video camera?

David said...

Please stop knockin' my game.