Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sexy times!

Finally got around to seeing this guy's movie:

If you have not yet seen Borat, I highly recommend it. It's not for kids, or the easily offended, or peope with assorted sticks up their assorted asses, but everyone else will love it. Really, really funny.


Voix said...

That is quite possibly the most disturbing man-sling I have ever seen in my life.

I think I need to go scrub my eyeballs out with some Comet to get rid of the image.

Thanks, Dunnski. You've wounded me.

Dunnski Love said...

Then you'll want to steer clear of the movie. There is some of the least hot man-on-man action you'll ever see. Seriously.

Voix said...

I can't wait. Non-hot man on man action. I'm tingling.

Dunnski Love said...

Remember that time the 3 of us were in the hot tub? It's nothing like that.

David said...

Was I with you guys in the hot tub, or is this another time?

Dunnski Love said...

Ooh, this is awkward. I didn't know Dave was still reading this blog.

David said...

She's a good cook. I hope she makes you happy.

Voix said...

You wicked, wicked boys.

Dunnski, buy the man-sling for David. I'll take him to see the movie. It might cheer him up.